What is an art quilt?
Art quilts are a form of modern art. They combine the traditions typically associated with fine quilt-making and many additional art forms like painting,
photography, sculpture, and jewelry design (to name a few). Art quilts are meant to be displayed and enjoyed like a painting, photograph, or fine tapestry.
Art quilts come in a range of sizes from the micro-quilt (miniature- typically smaller than 24 inches per side) to the macro-quilt (larger scale pieces).
Artist Statement:
Making art quilts is a great source of joy for me. Working with color, textiles, and other materials allows me to express my vision of the world.
I draw inspiration from the natural world, traveling, and life’s experiences. Many of my art quilts start out as an interesting drawing, painting,
or photograph, which I translate into fabric, color, and textures, in order to arrive at the completed composition. My art quilts express my sense of
life and appreciation regarding the natural world, history, and the diverse cultures of the human family.
About the Artist:
K M Dombrowski is an Arizona native and a graduate of Arizona State University (BS Economics). Interests include textile design, art, photography,
cultural studies, history, mathematics, science, and reading lots of books.