Title: Spirit Element
Dimensions: 23" X 23"
Techniques: Heliographic printing, hand dyed and hand painted cotton, with free-motion quilting.
Title: Beside Still Waters
Dimensions: 42" X 42"
Techniques: Hand dyed and hand painted cotton, with free motion quilting. Commercial batik fabrics used in borders.
Title: Illumination
Dimensions: N/A
Techniques: N/A
Title: Tree of Life Series - Arbol de la Vida
Dimensions: 37" X 37"
Techniques: Batik, hand dyed and hand painted cotton.
Title: The Virgin of Guadalupe
Dimensions: 29" X 26"
Techniques: Hand dyed and hand painted, whole cloth art quilt. Free motion machine quilting with hand painted metallic accents.
Title: Frida Kahlo
Dimensions: 30" X 30"
Techniques: Hand-dyed and hand painted cotton, with metallic paints. Hand-painted applique with digital transfer. Pieced and hand-painted outside border. Commercial fabric used for inner border.
Title: Diego Rivera
Dimensions: 30" X 30"
Techniques: Hand-dyed and hand painted cotton, with metallic paints. Hand-painted applique with digital transfer. Pieced and hand-painted outside border. Commercial fabric used for inner border.
Title: Divine Spark Micro Quilt
Dimensions: 12" X 12"
Techniques: Hand dyed and hand painted cotton.
Title: Frida Kahlo Micro Quilt
Dimensions: 12" X 12"
Techniques: Hand dyed and hand painted cotton.
Title: The Crossing
Dimensions: 26" X 21"
Techniques: Hand-dyed and hand-painted cotton, including water soluble pastels. Hand-painted metallic applique accents and commercial print. Machine embroidery and free-motion quilting.
Title: Aurora
Dimensions: 26" X 20.5"
Techniques: Hand-dyed cottons, featuring vintage images of shells and a glass button, with free form applique and reverse applique.
Title: Dreaming in Color
Dimensions: 26" X 20.75"
Techniques: Hand-dyed and hand painted cotton, with applique vintage images of glass buttons. Machine embroidery and free-motion quilting. .