Title: Fire Element
Dimensions: 23" X 23"
Techniques: Heliographic printing, hand dyed and hand painted cotton, with free-motion quilting.
Title: Passion
Dimensions: 30" X 30"
Techniques: Heliographic printing, hand dyed and hand painted cotton.
Title: Black and Silver Etruscan Horses
Dimensions: 30" X 30"
Techniques: Heliographic printing, hand dyed and hand painted cotton, with thread painting.
Title: Red and Gold Etruscan Horses
Dimensions: 30" X 30"
Techniques: Heliographic printing, hand dyed and hand painted cotton, with thread painting.
Title: Blue and Gold Etruscan Horse
Dimensions: 28" X 28"
Techniques: Heliographic printing, hand dyed and hand painted cotton, with thread painting.